How to BOGO

Quick quiz, kids!

When am I most likely to think, I am an effin’ genius?

A) When I realize I can no longer afford to live in the neighborhood where the Brooklyn brownstone I bought in 2002 is located

B) When I buy classroom valentines on February 15th, school supplies after Labor Day, and Halloween costumes on November 1st

C) When, four years after I took out a 5/1 ARM at a crazy good rate to buy our “forever” house, leading to many surprised “you didn’t get a fixed-rate mortgage?” questions, my husband decides to buy a different “forever” house two miles away

D) When random weight packs of chicken thighs are Buy One, Get One (BOGO) at the store and I score these:

E) All of the above

LBYM is about focusing on the big stuff—investments, debt—and the little stuff—getting every bit of free chicken due to you.

Next time, what to do with eight pounds of chicken thighs.